Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dear Family and Friends

Dear Family and Friends,

“Trust in the Lord
with all your heart
and lean not on your
own understanding;
In all ways
acknowledge Him
and He will direct
your paths.”
Proverbs 3:5-6

We love children! That is probably not a huge surprise to you. We feel so blessed that we are able to devote our careers as teachers to serving God and His children. For the past two years, we have desired to begin our own family. After multiple appointments with doctors over the last year, we discovered that the chances of us having children on our own are very small.

Our journey has been filled with much disappointment and tears (mostly on Emily’s part – Chad’s not much of a crier); but God has been holding us close and has been so faithful. We know God is calling us to be parents, but in a different way than we originally planned. Through prayer, conversations with friends that have adopted children and friends who have been adopted into loving families, songs sung in church, and devotions, we feel that God is leading us to adopt.

Some of you are just learning of our situation and some of you have known and asked how you can help. We humbly ask you to consider supporting our adoption in any of the following ways:

  • Summer Child Care: Emily works throughout the summer at New Hope caring for children with her sister Sarah. Perhaps plan on having your child attend once a week for a couple hours while you run your weekly errands. The program is completely flexible! Please consider using Summer Child Care as Emily will be saving the money she earns to apply toward our adoption.

  • Garage Sale: Any old items? Please donate them to our Garage Sale! [dates yet to come] Perhaps no items, but would like to volunteer to help us run the sale at our home? Or maybe you would like to donate food to sell at the garage sale? Or sponsor an ad in the newspaper or be willing to hang up a poster in your yard to advertise.
  • Odd Jobs: Do you have any odd jobs that you would like to have done around your home? Mowing the lawn, weeding, cleaning out the garage? If so, contact Chad!
  • Pancake Breakfast: Watch for more details to come soon and please plan to join us for our pancake breakfast!

We greatly appreciate any help toward our adoption or any ideas you may have of what we can do to earn what is needed. Even more than that, we are so thankful for the amazing network of family, friends, church friends, and school friends to hold us in prayer and to also hold in prayer the children God has planned for our family. Thank you for walking with us through this journey.

Chad & Emily Urban

Chad – 262.893.8592 &

Emily – 920.205.7753 &

Most of our communications will be via our blog. Please feel free to pass this blog onto anyone in your circle of family and friends. Our goal is to update our blog weekly to keep everyone informed on our adoption journey. Please consider subscribing to receive notification of updates. Our sincere thanks and appreciation for your prayers and support.